Konsel Pluw Erens
Gerrans Parish Council
Planning Notification
23rd May 2020
Gerrans Parish Council is a statutory Consultee in the planning process and will be submitting a Consultee comment to Cornwall Council on the following Planning Applications on Wednesday 3rd May:
1. PA20/03676 - Proposed rear single storey extension and formation of dormer window at 13, Churchtown Road, Gerrans TR2 5DZ.
2. PA20/01827 - Proposed new single storey extension to lower GF, first floor balcony, new enlarged opening (East elevation) and single storey extension to upper GF (West elevation) with the addition of 2 no roof lights and solar hot water panels at 2, Parc Merys, Portscatho TR2 5UU
3. PA20/03233 – Change of use of barn and adjoining area from agricultural to mixed agricultural and A3 usage on a seasonal basis April to October at Barn, Land at Pollaughan, Portscatho TR2 5EQ
4. PA20/04018 - Replacement of roof covering at Portscatho Surgery, Gerrans Hill TR2 5HE
Anyone wishing to submit their view to the Parish Council on any of these applications is invited to do so by email to the clerk at clerk@gerransparishcouncil.org before midday on Saturday 30th May. Please note that the identities of correspondents will not be forwarded to Councillors without express permission.