Konsel Pluw Erens
Gerrans Parish Council
Planning Notification
12th June 2020
Gerrans Parish Council is a statutory Consultee in the planning process and will be submitting Consultee comments to Cornwall Council on the following Planning Application on Monday 22nd June:
PA20/03842 - Conversion of existing hotel building to provide a 14- bedroom hotel with restaurant (A3 use class) and retail shop (A1 use class) and demolition of existing buildings/structure and erection of 25 residential apartments/houses, together with access, highway remediation, car parking infrastructure, landscaping and ancillary works. At: Pendower Beach House Hotel, Rocky Lane Ruan High Lanes, Truro.
Anyone wishing to submit their view to the Parish Council on this application is invited to do so by email to the clerk at clerk@gerransparishcouncil.org before midday on Thursday 18th June. Please note that the identities of correspondents will not be forwarded to Councillors without express permission.